SCENAR Pain Relief

45 minutes £35 | 60 minutes £45 | 75 minutes £55 | 90 minutes £65 | 105 minutes £75 | 120 minutes £85

What is SCENAR?
SCENAR pain relief (pronounced ‘skenar’) stands for Self-Controlling Energy Neuro-Adaptive Regulator and is a small handheld machine. It is one of the most advanced pieces of pain relief treatment technology currently available. It is a revolutionary bio-electrical device used to treat acute and chronic nerve, joint and muscle pain, injuries, arthritis, inflammation and also works with the central nervous system, immune and endocrine system. There are more advanced protocols allowing you to work more deeply to stimulate regional and system-wide responses for coping with deeper-seated conditions.

SCENAR therapy directly stimulates the natural adaptive processes of the body and nervous system so that the body can heal itself. The software algorithms used in the SCENAR mimic the nervous system’s own impulses and alter the signal output every few milliseconds in response to your body’s reaction.

The stimulation to your nervous system, by SCENAR, causes the brain to release the body’s own internal pharmacy of bio-active compounds to the site of pain. Included in this is a measured dose of neuropeptides, some of the most powerful pain relief agents the body produces, and widely regarded as one of the most powerful healing compounds.

Within a few minutes of SCENAR treatment, the body has delivered sufficient natural chemicals to give powerful pain relief and to speed up the healing process. Stimulation of the nervous system can improve recovery and performance.

How does it work?
The SCENAR machine is held against the body and emits short electromagnetic pulses or waves, which travel along the central nervous system which gives messages to the brain. The pulses are very similar to the body’s nerve signals so the brain reacts by producing neuropeptides and endorphins, which reduce the sensation of pain. Unlike painkillers, which stop the brain from trying to address the source of the pain through healing, SCENAR doesn’t mask pain. It works with the Central Nervous System to produce mediators, hormones and other chemicals to redirect the body’s focus on healing itself.

Why should I try SCENAR therapy?
SCENAR provides lasting relief from acute and chronic pain and takes the body right through the healing process to recovery. By stimulating the body’s natural healing process, SCENAR is a highly effective way of relieving pain, and aids recovery from a range of conditions.

Who can use SCENAR?
Everyone can benefit from SCENAR therapy regardless of their age. It helps people with all sorts of conditions and injuries.

What does it feel like and what happens during a treatment?
The SCENAR will be held against the painful area of your body and a series of sequences will be followed. The intensity is adjusted to the treatment area until a gentle tingling is felt.

Are there any associated side effects or contra-indications with SCENAR?
The only side effects are positive ones! After SCENAR therapy you may feel more relaxed and enjoy better quality sleep and have less or no pain. Occasionally, if it is a chronic pain or condition, it may worsen before getting better, this generally is over the 24 hours after treatment and then the positive effects kick in. If you have a pacemaker, you are or may be pregnant, or you suffer from epilepsy you are advised not to have SCENAR therapy.

Is SCENAR just a TENS machine?
No. TENS machines and other electrotherapy machines use mild electrical signals to stimulate the nerves but SCENAR is the only device that uses continuous two-way biofeedback. By monitoring the body’s electromagnetic signals, modifying them and sending them back to the body, SCENAR is able to assess and emit the right signals to best aid the body’s natural processes.

What conditions can SCENAR treat?
SCENAR helps with a range of acute and chronic conditions and is particularly effective at relieving pain. These are some of the conditions SCENAR is used to treat:
• Back pain • Sport injuries • Arthritis • Osteoarthritis • Neck pain • Tennis elbow • Headache & migraine • Frozen shoulder • Joint pains • Lumbago • Sciatica
• Neuralgia • Fibromyalgia • Rheumatic pain • Cramp • Circulatory problems • Digestive issues • Muscle spasms • Generalised aches & pain • Deep rooted conditions

How many treatments will I need?
That depends on the nature of the issue or injury and how long you’ve had it for. Some people experience lasting improvement after just one or two treatments, others benefit from having regular treatments for a few weeks or months and patients with chronic conditions often see optimal results from ongoing therapy.

Can I combine other treatments and SCENAR?
It is best to do SCENAR on its own and then any other complementary therapy on a separate occasion.

What should I expect after a session?
Just as with other treatments your body will start repairing itself after a session so it’s important to help it by:

• Drinking plenty of water to flush out toxins
• Getting plenty of rest and no strenuous activity or exercise on the day and preferably the following day
• Eating well and giving your body the nutrition it needs to heal

Take some time. Treat yourself. You deserve it.