Pain Management

Massage | 45 minutes £35 | 60 minutes £45 | 75 minutes £55 |
90 minutes £65
| 105 minutes £75 | 120 minutes £85

Using a variety of techniques including trigger point therapy, myofascial release, acupressure, cranial sacral work, gliding cupping, soft tissue release and rebalancing, along with the use of Aromatherapy Associates essential oils on any area can be worked to soften the tissues and to release the area for ease of movement, pain relief and emotional trauma. This can be used for acute or chronic pain on any area; the back, neck, legs, arms, hands, feet, sciatic pain and even headaches, including migraines.

1-6 sessions closely recommended especially for treatment of chronic pain.

SCENAR Pain Therapy | 45 minutes £35 | 60 minutes £45 | 75 minutes £55 |
90 minutes £65 | 105 minutes £75 | 120 minutes £85

SCENAR (pronounced ‘skenar’) stands for Self-Controlling Energy Neuro-Adaptive Regulator and is is one of the most advanced pieces of pain relief treatment technology currently available.

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Take some time. Treat yourself. You deserve it.